Air purificator with HEPA filter

PURE will ensure all the air you breathe is virus-free and clean, eliminating airborne infections or allergens.


Schools / Kindergartens / Offices / Restaurants / Stores / Supermarkets / Hospitals and Clinics / Gyms / Hotels / Laboratories / Homes / Others

PURE LITE 2.0 will ensure all the air you breathe is virus-free and clean.


High performance purifier by the combined action of 2 HEPA 14 filters

The PURE LITE 2 is an air purifier with 2 HEPA H14 filters (High-Efficiency Particulate Arrestance class H14), which efficiently reduces suspended matter and aerosol clouds up to 0.3 micrometres in size in the environment.

The air is circulated with the help of 2 radial fans, which guarantee an efficient and powerful air intake of up to 1430m3/h. The device is a perfect symbiosis of performance, mobility and volume. The body is made of robust powder-coated aluminium, weighs 53 kg, it is highly mobile with its four wheels. Only one square meter is required for optimal use.

The air intake is made through the lower part, and the air output happens on the top round diffuser of the device. This process ensures clean air is expelled in all directions.

On the acoustic level, the device has a sophisticated system to reduce the noise generated. The inside of the body is covered with a heat-set, sound-absorbing fabric.The fans outlet is covered with sound-absorbing acoustic foam achieving a performance of 1092m3/h at a volume of 60dBa.


How it works?

PURE LITE will ensure all the air you breathe is virus-free and clean.

Schools / Kindergartens / Offices / Restaurants / Stores / Supermarkets / Hospitals and Clinics / Gyms / Hotels /

PURE LITE 2.0 will ensure all the air you breathe is virus-free and clean.

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